FIFA has closed the door on those within football who want to enter the presidential election race, former Brazil playmaker Zico said yesterday as his bid threatened to hit the buffers.

Zico is struggling with the rule that requires potential candidates to present letters of support from five national football associations by October 26, four months before the election.

He said most FAs were afraid of backing the wrong candidate and suffering reprisals from their continental confederations.

“The problem is not that I am a victim, the victims are everyone who works in football who could have the ambition to one day be a candidate,” Zico told reporters at a Zurich hotel.

“It’s your (personal) history in the sport which should be important, not whether or not you can provide a letter for someone.

“Any sportsman feels they are a victim of this ruling,” added Zico who appeared in three World Cups and is considered one of the finest players Brazil have produced.

He said the rule made it difficult for those who were part of the sport but not part of FIFA or the continental confederations, such as players, coaches, doctors and club directors, to break into world football’s governing body.

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