I have a number or questions with regard to oil prices and the procurement regime.

Why is it that we are not advised of increases in fuel or gas prices before these are normally announced? Surely the decision to raise prices on September 1 was made sometime before this date. So why not advise consumers as soon as possible, to allow them time to fill up at the lower prices? From whom do we purchase our bulk fuel requirements?

In what quantity do we buy and what is the maximum amount we may store or stockpile? It would appear we only ever have enough for one month at the most, as we seem compelled to buy it every month, remaining at the mercy of the vagaries of the energy market manipulators and any international incidents or crises that may crop up.

Finally, why not publish the price we (the taxpayers) pay for bulk fuel purchases? Or will that tired old stock answer be dredged up: it cannot be divulged as it is information of a ‘commercially sensitive’ nature?

Should I expect any answers?

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