A gang for four Romanians who targeted elderly tourists were yesterday sentenced to 13 months behind bars after admitting on Friday to carrying out 24 thefts.

Police received some 250 reports of pickpocketing on Arriva buses, mainly from middle aged and elderly tourists, the court heard. Appearing in court yesterday, the group bowed their heads listening intently to their interpreter as Magistrate Giovanni Grixti read out the judgment condemning them to 13 months in jail.

The magistrate said that the court, in jailing the culprits, wanted to send a clear and strong message that this pickpocketing phenomenon must stop.

Stefan Razvan-Aurel, 32, a painter, Marian Ciucisan, 51, a carpenter, Alexandra Buzatu, 32, a salesgirl and Stefan Marius, 34, a baker, admitted stealing items beginning on July 8.

Mr Marius was more prolific than his friends and was solely responsible for eight of the incidents.

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