The Convent of the Sacred Heart School Foundation Junior School saw the beginning of this scholastic year with an introduction related to this year’s goal of social awareness.

Being also the feast of St Francis, the school hosted Natalino and Carmen Cristiano, together with Glen, Mr Cristiano’s guide dog.

During this special assembly, Mr Cristiano recounted how he lost his eyesight and explained to the girls how Glen was given to him.

He said it was very expensive to buy such dogs and that the Malta Guide Dogs Foundation received funding from the Knights of Malta (SMOM) to acquire them and also to send them abroad for training.

“From then on, he never left me for one second. He is my eyes!” Mr Cristiano told the girls.

Children, teachers, LSAs and staff followed the moving story and could appreciate Glen’s devotion to his master from the way he followed his every step.

Mr Cristiano stressed the importance of everyone being aware of blind people’s needs, saying: “Always keep your pet on a leash, never leave rubbish bags in the middle of the pavement and always remind your parents to park properly without obstruc­ting the pavement. In this way, you will be helping me and Glen to move around safely.”

This was followed by a question-and-answer session between the girls Mr Cristiano.

During assembly, girls from Year 4 took photographs and, as a follow-up, girls from Years 5 and 6 will be preparing write-ups, which will be uploaded as part of the school’s Comenius and e-twinning projects.

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