The University, together with the High Commission of Malta in India, recently organised a high-profile education delegation visit to Malta.

The group of selected high school principals and directors of educational institutions from India were led by Megha Srivastav, head of operations for the University, based at the High Commission in New Delhi.

The visit was planned with the purpose of raising further awareness of the opportunities Malta can offer Indian students, and with the aim of establishing collaboration, including joint research, student and academic exchange.

The delegates interacted with academics, students and senior officials of the University.

They participated in an academic workshop led by Sandra Dingli, director of the Edward de Bono Institute for the Design and Development of Thinking.

Visits were conducted to St Martin’s College and San Andrea School.

The delegates also met briefly with Indian students who are currently pursuing postgraduate studies at the University.

Sightseeing visits to Mdina, Valletta and Gozo were also organised.

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