Renowned Italian pianist Michelangelo Carbonara is giving a recital at the Kappella, Kempinski Hotel, San Lawrenz on March 10 at 7.30 p.m.

Carbonara is performing at this venue for the fourth consecutive time and he will perform a programme which begins with Mendelssohn’s Variations Sérieuses, Op. 54 and continues with the well-known Invitation To The Dance, Op. 65 by Weber.

Chopin’s Ballade N. 1, Op. 23 closes the first half of the recital, which continues with Three Intermezzi, Op. 117 by Brahms.

Joseph Vella’s Rapsodija Maltija Op. 26 will also be performed and will be followed by Liszt’s Vallée d’Obermann.

Carbonara’s repertoire ranges from baroque to contemporary as well as jazz. Apart from being a brilliant performer he is also a composer and makes arrangements, so much so that he will also perform his own interpretation of some well-known themes from opera.

Carbonara, who was born in Naples, has performed widely in Europe, North America and Asia and is very active as solo performer, in chamber music as well as with orchestras. His recitals in Gozo are always much looked forward to and he generously performs in aid of – the Friends of the Sick and the Elderly in Gozo ( and Happy Moments in Kenya ( which helps the rural community of Makuyu in that country.

The recital promises to be an even better one than usual since Carbonara will perform on a brand new Yamaha grand piano.

Tickets sell at €25. For further information contact Sonja Sinclair Stevenson, 60 Trux Street, Għarb or call 2156 2074. E-mail:

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