International online travel resource, My Destination, has launched its mobile platform, bringing the site’s travel advice, local deals and insider tips from its global network of travel experts directly to people’s mobile devices.

Be it a romantic restaurant or a guide to local festivities, ideas for activities or the latest weather forecast, the free platform is designed to give visitors to a destination access to whatever they are searching for. Information is automatically customised to the users’ location thanks to a ‘Near Me Now’ tool.

“Visitors to our islands don’t just need expert travel advice to plan a trip; they also need it when they get here. In addition, this has made the whole destination guide much more accessible to locals looking for things to do remotely and at the spur of the moment,” said Niki Bilocca, business manager of My Destination – Malta.

The mobile platform was developed using HTML5 and the latest touch-optimised framework for smartphones and tablets. This means the application does not need to be downloaded from an App Store.

In addition, the same mobile app will also be available within the next few weeks as a native iPhone\iPad\Android app that can be downloaded from the different App stores directly, My Destination said.

To access the platform, go to on your smartphone/tablet device or go directly to .

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