Two in three Britons say next summer’s London Olympics will not have a major impact on their holiday plans.

A total of 12 per cent say they will not travel during the Games so they can stay and watch events, a survey by the Trip Advisor company found.

And 10 per cent intend to take trips away from the UK to take advantage of possible bargain deals during the Olympics.

The poll of 6,092 international travellers, including 1,440 from the UK, also revealed that 66 per cent of Britons plan to take between two and four leisure trips in 2012.

As many as 88 per cent of Britons reckon they will take at least one short-haul trip next year, with 60 per cent planning at least one long-haul trip – down from a figure of 66 per cent in 2011.

North America, followed by Asia and Africa, are the most popular destinations for those Britons planning long-haul holidays next year.

The poll also found that 25 per cent of Britons plan to spend more on travel next year than they did this year, with only 16 per cent intending to spend less and the rest planning to fork out about the same.

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