Two vehicles have been abandoned in Capuchins Street, Żabbar for nearly a year now. The police are aware of them, having left an official notice on both vehicles, ordering the owner to remove them or otherwise face legal action. One wonders why the authorities seem to keep dragging their feet and not take the necessary action.

Health and safety

Garbage collection and col­lectors are looked down upon by many. However, we all need to have our garbage removed regularly. Why not offer them some dignity and health and safety measures? They should all have a uniform and the use of gloves should be mandatory.

Bad pronunciation

The language used by a number of DJs is not only limited but also atrocious. To make matters worse, good pro­nunciation is nearly inexistent. On Friday, a DJ was heard saying that Gerard Depardu, instead of Depardieu, was celebrating his birthday. He should know better.

Come rain or sun

Bus shelters at Sliema Ferries, which were removed about a year ago when roadworks were being done, have still not been replaced. Both Maltese people and tourists have to wait for the buses exposed to the natural elements. Several requests have been made for these bus shelters to be built again but to no avail. The transport watchdog should lose no time to ensure that these bus shelters are built against as soon as possible, especially now that the rainy season has set in. It is to be noted that when the road works were completed an indentation in the sidewalk was constructed to accomodate these bus shel­ters, which, so far, are still missing.

Sense of humour

The owner of a computer repairs shop in Qormi has a good sense of humour. He has called his shop Mater Dei tal-Computers, and included a red cross on a white background on the sign. There is no doubt what sort of services the outlet offers.








Flat tyre

A car has been abandoned in the centre of the parking area of the former trade fair grounds in Naxxar after developing a flat tyre. It poses a danger to anyone driving into the area unaware of its presence. It should be removed immediately.

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