Malcolm PisaniMalcolm Pisani

When he released his latest single Got me Good in the summer, pop artist Malcolm Pisani was fully aware of the challenge that stepping into dance territory would bring.

In the months that have passed, the song – written and produced by Carlo Gerada and Muxu – has been doing rather well, receiving a lot of radio airplay not just locally but also abroad, namely in Romania, Germany, Italy and the UK.

Now, still riding on the single’s success, Pisani has just launched a music video for Got ne Good.

Directed by Clifford Xuereb and Manuel Pace, with assistance from Rita Pace, this is the singer’s third music video to date.

It projects the same summery vibe the song does, despite the fact that winter is just around the corner.

To stream the video, look up Pisani’s You Tube channel.

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