The cassock (suttana) and acce­sories that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio wore when he entered the conclave last March, which was to elect him as Pope Benedict’s successor, were recently presented to the new museum Il-Ħaġar – Heart of Gozo by Pope Francis’s personal assistant, Mgr Alfred Xuereb.

Mgr Xuereb, who was recently on holiday ‘at home’, explained how the Holy Father came to donate the items, which include a sash, scullcap and mitre. The presentation was attended by museum curator Mgr Joseph Farrugia and numerous friends of the museum, including committee members of St George’s chapter and of Fondazzjoni Belt Victoria. Interestingly, Il-Ħaġar already possesses, also through Mgr Xuereb’s good services, the scullcap worn by Pope Benedict on his stepping down, and one of his mitres acquired by Bishop Mario Grech.

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