There is a considerable number of citizens who are disillusioned by the present political situation. In fact, quite a substantial number of people I know have expressed their “disgust” at politicians and would hesitate before going to the polls in the next election. Here is my appeal to these people:
Whether you vote or not, we shall certainly have a government. So the logical thing to do is to choose who you think will do the least harm.
The present government is there because a great majority wanted to get rid of the Nationalists (I do not know why but, still). We are now landed with a government that in three years only managed to launch one new project: a latrine in Gozo. All the others are the fruit of the previous, get-rid-of administration, including the reduction in electricity bills, new roads, embellishments, etc.
We have an administration that lives on lies and half-truths and arrogance and which thrives on the majority in Parliament.
I ask Labour supporters (not the hardcore ones) in Marsascala and Marsaxlokk: are you happy with the tanker in your harbour, which will stay there for 18 years, with all the implications involved? I do not think the residents there are happy with the threat of an accident happening.
Are Air Malta employees happy with the situation they have been put in? Not everyone has gardening skills, like the former (select) Enemalta employees who were sent to tend the President’s gardens.
It is time to ponder on the nearly-dictatorial attitude of the Prime Minister who does not want a prime minister’s question time in Parliament and who runs away from journalists.
It is time to ponder why the 36,000-vote majority has withered away.
It is time to consider your vote as a vital instrument to change things.
Use your vote - it is your right and duty.