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Meet Imeldina, a sweet child who loves to run around in the rain. Written by Sandra Hili Vassallo and published by Merlin Publishers, Imeldina is the most recent picture book for children aged three to six.

How many times have we complained that there is a scarcity of quality books in Maltese for very young readers?

Imeldina is a step in bridging this gap, thanks to its quality writing and production values, and to the beautiful drawings by Beatrice Costamagna.

The collaboration with this young and talented Italian illus­trator marks another successful partnership with a foreign artist for Merlin Publishers.

Imeldina is the story of how this little girl tries to patch the hole she has found in her boots with whatever she thinks might keep the water from entering and wetting her socks and feet. Her innovative and sometimes wacky solutions might not always work, or be practical, but they show the inno­cent and creative ways children resort to in order to try and solve problems they encounter.

It is important that children grow to love books and enjoy reading, seeing the latter as an enjoyment rather than a chore. Imeldina is likely to enchant, since it has all the elements children look for in books they come to regard as their fa­vourites – pages of colourful illustrations and a story through which they can imagine them­selves splashing in the puddles, just like Imeldina.

Imeldina is availabe from all bookshops or directly online.


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