“A historic step forward for equality.”

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat hails the new civil unions law.

“We felt an abstention that everybody could accept was better than a free vote.”

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil defends his party’s decision to abstain in Monday’s vote.

“The PN is still in the same conundrum it was three years ago.”

Professor of philosophy and former Nationalist MEP candidate Joe Friggieri says the PN was failing to acknowledge the sweeping changes in society, three years after the divorce referendum.

“We will mourn the dead, light up a few butter candles and move on.”

Maltese climber Gregory Attard, currently attempting to scale Mount Everest, pays tribute to 12 local guides killed on the same mountain.

“Judiciary is the public’s favourite punching bag.”

Chief Justice Silvio Camilleri says the judiciary is sometimes limited in what it can do.

“As things stand, work does not pay and people prefer to remain on benefits.”

Employment and Training Corporation chairman Clyde Caruana says there is a narrow gap between the minimum wage and unemployment benefits.

“We behave like petulant children stamping our Lilliputian feet whenever we are criticised by foreigners.”

Columnist Martin Scicluna laments the reaction of some Maltese to comments made by Queen guitarist and animal rights campaigner Brian May about hunting.

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