Countries affected by the Arab Spring are hoping for a leap in tourist numbers. Egypt and Tunisia have launched tourist drives, according to a global trends report released during the travel trade exhibition World Travel Market which closes its doors in London today.

Egypt is even using the slogan: “Welcome to the country of peaceful revolution.”

The trends report, conducted by market analysis company Euromonitor International also said that two in five people in the UK did not take a holiday this year.

In addition, the report showed that almost half of holidaymakers continue to use mobile phones abroad, despite racking up huge bills.

WTM chairman Fiona Jeffery said: “The speed at which the marketing campaigns have been launched demonstrates the importance the new democracies in Egypt and Tunisia have put on inbound tourism for their long-term economic future.

“Tourism can help build up these countries’ new democracies and has the potential to do so across all the Arab Spring countries.” The low percentage of people taking holidays came from a survey 1,600 people as part of the trends’ report.

Almost all those who did go away said they could only afford one trip of more than seven nights.

Also, a third of those surveyed said they planned to travel less often, due to increased taxes.

More than a quarter (26 per cent) said rises in air passenger duty was a major issue but that they would continue to travel but on a lower budget. Ms Jeffery said: “Many consumers have now reduced their number of holidays or stopped going on holiday at all. This trend, alongside the increases in taxes including APD, has made it very difficult for the travel industry to entice consumers back to holidaying.”

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