Jesuit theologian Fr Marko Ivan Rupnik will lead a Marian symposium, entitled La Fede Professata dalla Pietra (Faith Professed in Stone), at Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary hall between Friday and Saturday.

Fr Rupnik, of Slovenia, who will be making three interventions in Italian, will speak about the Mystery of Incarnation as the beginning of Christian art. Fr Rupnik is an artist who communicates faith with mosaic art.

Fr Rupnik is the author of various spiritual books. He is known for his unique style of art, through which he brings forth the message of faith based on Sacred Scripture and Holy Tradition with a special emphasis on the beginning of iconography with its roots in Eastern Europe.

With a doctorate from the Faculty of Missiology at the Gregorian Pontifical University of Rome, he works at the Centro Aletti of Rome, of which he is the director.

He is also professor at the Oriental Pontifical Institute in the Gregorian University and in the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of St Anselm. Fr Rupnik is also a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture.

The talks will be translated simultaneously in Maltese.

Those who wish to attend the symposium are asked to fill in a formula available from the sanctuary or online at until Tuesday.

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