Malta Enterprise, with the support of the Malta Council of Science and Technology (MCST), organised another research event, focusing on promoting research and development activities in industry.

The event has been organised as part of the SME Week 2017 programme of activities coordinated by the Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business and was also supported by the Enterprise Europe Network.

The programme followed its tagline of ‘we inform and support, you develop’ and gave detailed insight and updates on the various national and EU research and development funding initiatives. Aleardo Furlani, CEO and founder of Innova Spa was the keynote speaker, discussing ways to transform research into commercial innovation.

According to Mr Furlani, “For SMEs, it is not the survival of the fittest; those who live by the sword [the technology] are best able to adapt”.

For SMEs, it is not the survival of the fittest

A high level panel debate on the challenges and needs for research in industry followed the keynote speeches, along with the participation of local SMEs who have successfully benefited from support and funding offered.

An afternoon café set-up provided the opportunity for one-to-one meetings and breakout sessions for any information required on funding, tips for success, intellectual property, academic collaboration and access to finance for projects.

During the morning session, Malta Enterprise launched three new schemes: aid for research and development projects; innovation aid for SMEs; and tax credits for R&D and innovation.

Malta’s SMEs’ innovation performance has improved steadily in recent years driven by the launch of numerous policy measures aimed at increasing the level of research and innovation among SMEs. Malta Enterprise is committed to continually develop new initiatives, including those aimed at promoting R&D.

William Wait, Malta Enterprise chairman, confirmed Malta Enteprise’s commitment to assist enterprises undertaking research and development, “as this is the way forward to continue driving our economy to new heights”.

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