The compelling brand story of Sea Glass, the wines from California, was the inspiration for the seventh anniversary summer party of Del Borgo, the premier wine bar in Vittoriosa.

In keeping with the wine theme, dress code was blue, with Sea Glass accessories.

Del Borgo directors Alan Mercieca Bons and Ingrid Dalli constantly come up with innovative concepts to celebrate the anniversary of the opening of their establishment.

Ms Dalli said: “Although Sea Glass as an ornament is more the product of the ocean than the Mediterranean, being close to the sea gives us plenty in common to share with California.

“I am pleased that, once again, Del Borgo is the subject of conversation and that familiar faces were with us for this annual celebration knowing that we have lived up to their expectations.”

Sea Glass Sauvignon Blanc, Sea Glass Riesling and the Sea Glass Chardonnay were complemented by a beautifully presented selection of cold cuts, cheeses and speciality foods, courtesy of the establishment’s dedicated kitchen brigade. Finger food was also served throughout the evening.

Del Borgo is open every day from 5 p.m., with last orders taken at 1 a.m. For more information visit or call 2180 3710 /9928 0000.

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