Every year for the past several years – I have given up counting – loud music has emanated from Ta’ Qali. It not only robs us of sound sleep but also interferes with our hearts’ rhythm – the thumping music is literally felt in the chest.

This past weekend (July 20-22) loud music was heard until 4.30 (that’s a.m.!)

Now we have a new mayor in Attard and he has taken the initiative to collect signatures from local residents to present a petition to the authorities. Frankly, I am a bit sceptical about the outcome of this but our family wants to support the Attard local council and back it up in this justified complaint.

Speaking to many Attard residents, we are at a loss at the impotence of local enforcement against such abuse of citizens’ right to an undisturbed night’s sleep.

Who in his right mind gives an operating licence to a club or music hall to play such loud music after 11 p.m., so close to dense residential areas? When the wind direction is from the north, it is even worse because the music is amplified.

Someone must be responsible for this irresponsible behaviour and abuse.

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