[attach id="243528" size="medium"]Charles Beckett[/attach]

A leading social media expert, Prof. Charles Beckett, will tomorrow give the fourth Mabel Strickland Memorial Lecture.

Prof. Beckett, a founding director of a journalism think-tank at the London School of Economics, will be speaking on ‘How social is social media? The impact of new media on journalism and society’. The public lecture will be held at the Green Lounge, Hotel Phoenicia, at 7pm.

Prof. Beckett is also Head of the Department of Media and Communications at LSE. He is an award-winning filmmaker and former editor at LWT, BBC and ITN and is a specialist in politics and international affairs.

Prof. Beckett is the author of Supermedia, a book that sets out how journalism is being transformed by technological and other changes and how this will impact on society. His latest book is Wikileaks: News in The Networked Era.

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