Back in the 1990s, in all their wisdom, a group of men in a rock band called REM memorably proclaimed that “everybody hurts”. A great song indeed, and however unfortunate this fact of life of which they spoke might be, few might argue with it.

Is good health really such a big mystery? Are the answers really in pills and potions? And are we really powerless to protect ourselves against the frightening health hazards?

Yes, we all hurt every now and again. We suffer health problems and experience aches and pains we just cannot seem to do all that much about.

In response to such problems, we often pursue solutions that promise immediate relief. Sometimes we may become so desparate, we are prepared to pay any sum of money or brave any hospital waiting room to win our well-being back.

We might take expensive medications, or tread the route of hocus-pocus potions and strange remedies with supposed rare and ancient healing power, secrets protected for centuries yet available online or over the counter at your local health food shop for just under €10.

Is good health really such a big mystery? Are the answers really in pills and potions? And are we really powerless to protect ourselves against the frightening health hazards that lurk round every corner in today’s crazy world?

I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers, but do we really need to occupy ourselves with finding such answers when we can get busy tackling the basics first? Today we will discuss a few things we can all do quite easily.

In fact, you could even say it’s as easy as ABC. Let’s focus on those simple behaviours we can control, and you’ll be surprised what can be achieved. Don’t worry, the more complicated and expensive solutions will always be there should you eventually need them, but see how these ABCs work for you first and you could save plenty of time and hassle.

Let’s start with A. A stands for activity, or physical activity to be precise. By becoming more physically active, in whatever shape or form it may take, including basic gym training or pursuing leisure sports, you can enjoy a whole host of benefits. You can burn stored body fat and increase your lean muscle mass.

These two factors will in turn improve your overall body shape and appearance. From a functional perspective, you will increase your functional strength, making you more able to perform everyday tasks like lifting or moving heavy objects. Improving the strength of your muscles will also make it easier for you to maintain good posture, which can cut your risks of developing back or other joint pains.

You will improve your stamina to complete or withstand arduous, drawn-out tasks or activities in everyday life. You can boost your energy levels, enhance your mood, improve the quality of your sleep and even relieve stress.

You can enjoy most of these benefits even by simply increasing your activity levels through basic means, like walking more or taking the stairs more often.

B stands for the next important step towards better health: a balanced diet. Most of the pills and potions available out there are nothing more than substitutes for the nutrients found in everyday healthy food available at your local shop. Eat predominantly natural foods that don’t come out of a packet or tin, get your five servings of fruits and vegetables every day, and favour complex carbohydrates and high-fibre foods.

Split these foods into five small meals spaced evenly throughout your day and avoid starvation tactics. Starving your body makes it even less able to process the food you eventually eat, leading to more fat over the long term and possible health problems.

Lack of essential vitamins and minerals, combined wih chemical and fat-rich foods can deliver a hefty blow to your good health and well-being, and could be the cause of many a dire health issue. Eating healthily naturally also entails keeping your alcohol and junk food intake to a minimum.

And finally, my personal favourite: C stands for chill out. If you don’t develop coping strategies to decrease your stress levels, you won’t just suffer health problems but coud be compromising the big picture too: a good quality of life.

If you are highly strung, then you will never be short of people ready and willing to pluck those strings. Stress, along with inactivity and eating the wrong foods, is one of the most devestating forces impacting our health, and continues to strike us down at every opportunity with heart attacks and strokes.

Whether you pray, meditate or just breathe, seek out your inner calm and let a more spiritual outlook balance out your ABC to better health. A mind, body and soul well-adjusted and at peace, will reward you with fewer health problems in the long run and a far more pleasant outlook.

So you can wish and pray for good health or better still, you can do something about it. Life could be considered our most precious gift and bad health seems to be its most ominous threat. If life throws so many physical challenges our way, then let us tend to our ABCs in preparation.

You wouldn’t compete in a spelling contest without first learning the alphabet, so before you despair about those budding physical discomforts, try increasing your activity levels, eating a balanced diet and chill out to spell out a long and healthy future.

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