Christopher Grech, Steve Fenech and Garreth Fenech at The Piedmont Experience by Farsons Beverages Imports at Ellul Wines & Spirits in Valletta, showcasing some of the best wines the Italian region has to offer – Fontanafredda, Aldo Conterno, Elio Altare and Luciano Sandrone.Christopher Grech, Steve Fenech and Garreth Fenech at The Piedmont Experience by Farsons Beverages Imports at Ellul Wines & Spirits in Valletta, showcasing some of the best wines the Italian region has to offer – Fontanafredda, Aldo Conterno, Elio Altare and Luciano Sandrone.

Also seen, from left, are Daniel Sciberras, Matthew Ellul and William Rizzo.Also seen, from left, are Daniel Sciberras, Matthew Ellul and William Rizzo.

From left: Francois Dalli, Maxilene Pace and Eman Scicluna.From left: Francois Dalli, Maxilene Pace and Eman Scicluna.

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