The Medical Assocation of Malta is disappointed at the insinuations made by the chairman of the Employment and Training Corporation, that sickness certificates are not accepted because “they can be obtained for €10”, thereby putting a blanketstatement on all conscientious medical practitioners.

While it is understandable that measures are taken so that a valuable social service such as free child care is not abused, and also kept cost effective, it is incorrect not to accept sickness certificates across the board.

This is of dubious legality to say the least.

It also contrasts sharply with what the Education Ministeris reported to have stated: thata 15 per cent justified absenceis accepted.

Furthermore, it indirectly suggests to parents to send their children for childcare even when they are sick to the detriment of other children, as correctly noted by the Times of Malta journalist.

Perhaps the ETC could adopt a verification process similar to that applied by many employers and the education ministry in schools, following an established procedure as approved by the Medical Council, rather than go down the road of antagonising parents and medical professionals alike.

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