In the article Former Pope Benedict Says ‘God Told Me To’ (August 21) with regard to his historic resignation from the papacy, Benedict XVI is quoted as saying it was a “mystical experience”.

I am happy that the former pontiff acknowledges that mysticism and mystic rites can be honourable occurrences whereby the presence of the Almighty God is symbolised or manifested in the human heart by signs, symbols or allegory. Conversely, I also believe that Benedict XVI resigned as a response to his human conscience.

There is nothing wrong with that. In many ways, I think Benedict has done a great service by illustrating that “papal infallibility” has its limits... even from the Papal chair. Age and infirmity can affect thinking, judgment and ability to be a good Shepherd to the worldwide flock of Roman Catholics, including myself.

I am concerned that Benedict may have submitted his resignation due to his own role in the clergy sex-abuse scandals that plagued his papacy. Since he retreated to the papal retreat Castel Gandolfo, a papal palace, it has fuelled rumours that he stays there, as a recluse, to give him legal immunity from prosecution.

Only Benedict knows in his heart the real reasons why he chose the timing of his resignation. I would be more sanguine if he went back to live out his twilight years back in Bavaria, where he entered this world as Josef Ratzinger. That would bring his life full-circle and it would allow Pope Francis to fully utilise Castel Gandolfo, at the current Pontiff’s will and pleasure, without Benedict’s shadow being in such close proximity.

It is Francis who, alone, should be the Vicar of Christ. Benedict’s title of ‘Pope Emeritus’ is politically correct and sanitary for official documents and footnotes.

I believe it is high time he moved on to a new domicile. Perhaps Benedict will soon be directed by God to do that, too.

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