[attach id="268932" size="medium"]When you perform voluntary work as a couple it changes your relationship and places it on a dimension never experienced before.[/attach]

Voluntary work is an essential part of character building. It teaches you to give without expecting anything in return. This is so much needed in today’s society, and in particular in marriage today.

In the past, couples got married and stayed together for life no matter what. Today the trend is that couples get married and stay together till it makes sense, till they still love each other. The reality is that married life has its ups and downs; couples who expect or pretend that married life is a bed of roses are living an illusion which will eventually crumble.

We have heard people say that married life is give and take. This creates a false expectation that we only give until there is what we can take, that way we think we can achieve a balance.

Couples who have been married for many years will smile at this statement, and with sincerity tell you that marriage is all about giving your life to your husband/wife. They will tell you if both husband and wife follow and live their married life with the concept of giving, they stand to benefit.

This is exactly the same magical feeling you experience in voluntary work, which is all about giving. The reality is that when you give from your heart, strangely enough, you receive so much. It is difficult to explain, but people who have experienced this tell you that the peace and internal joy they receive makes it all make sense.

When a person gives without expecting anything in return he is experiencing true love of the neighbour. This profound and sincere experience creates an attitude in one’s own life that is so deep it is a life-changing experience in the sense that it enriches the individual and enhances the values and principles we use to take decisions. When you do voluntary work on an individual basis it changes your life. When you perform voluntary work as a couple it changes your relationship and places it on a dimension never experienced before; the bonding and connectedness of the couple is forever strengthened. Once you experience this positive energy it gives you the strength to face the challenges of everyday life.

Your life is God’s gift to you; what you do for others is your gift to God

We have a tendency to think that if we are helping others, everything will work out alright, when, in fact, what really happens more often than not is that we are faced with challenges and disappointments like everyone else. These situations teach to persevere and not to give up if we really believe in what we are doing. This again is a preparation for the reality of marriage.

We all have our ups and downs and need to work on the relationship every day if we want it to grow.

The challenge, as always in life, is finding the balance, dedicating time for the family and also helping others in need, and believing that together we can make the world a better place.

When you are sharing your talent to help others, you are, in fact, passing on a talent that was given to you. In the case of giving money, you are giving something of what you have. In the case of voluntary work, you actually receive.

It is something that cannot be explained in words or in any form of logic; it is something which has to be experienced.

Your life is God’s gift to you; what you do for others is your gift to God.

When couples experience voluntary work together, a deep emotional connection is made that will strengthen their relationship forever.

For ideas on how to strengthen your relationship, visit www.couplecards.com. This is a voluntary initiative set up to help relationships grow stronger.


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