I have always felt very much at home in Senglea, where I have lived for some 30 years. The city has a very special feel, as if the people here are all part of one big extended family, and they have made me welcome from the day I moved in.

Today, one of the nicest of things occurred. There was a knock at my door and I opened it to find three people and a wheelbarrow outside. The people were from the local council, and the barrow was full of bags of oranges.

“Happy New Year”, they said – as they gave me one of the bags of oranges and a New Year’s greeting card – and then stopped to talk to me about my two rescued cats that had come with me to answer the door. A wonderful gesture by the mayor and his staff – and I felt proud to be part of this old city and its friendly people.

Thank you, Senglea.

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