GoT in 60 Mins: The Unauthorised Parody
MADC Clubhouse, Santa Venera
In a rollicking 60ish minutes of rather naughty fun, the Comedy Knights have taken on HBO’s Game of Thrones and created a potted parody which pokes fun at the producers, the writers, and the fans equally.
All the while embedding their clever jibes within a Maltese-centered fan base. The show relied on three primary actors – Chris Dingli, Steffie Weenink and Giulia Gatt, who play the three basic types of people affected by the GoT franchise: Chris the Clueless, never seen the show, not particularly bothered either way; Steffie the obsessive superfan, who scripts the show as presented to the audience and knows everything and more and Giulia, a fan of the show, enjoys speculating about fan theories and is a typical fan who hasn’t read the books and is happy to call out George RR Martin, leaving Steffie horrified and Chris lost.
In summarising the plot to the audience (and to Chris), the three use home-made props, some of dubious origin and appropriacy, which make for even funnier viewing.
From creating a list of the most unsavoury characters in the show and adding a few local and international politicians to the mix, to explaining the sex and nudity using a variety of very interesting visual aids, the show also promises to show you Dingli as you have never seen him before.
While the witticisms are plentiful, the majority of the humour is a mix of slapstick and toilet, but is well received by the audience. Introducing all the major characters and simplifying the complex plot line, proved to be a clever way of drawing the audience in – both those types who actually watch the show and those who are complete newbies. It was the dynamic between the three actors which worked well enough – no doubt thanks to director Wesley Ellul’s manner of staging and mentoring the two younger cast members (sorry Chris).
The end result was a very likable and relatable trio, with two new cast-members in the Comedy Knights rotation.
The show cleverly included some audience participation as well as improvised comments based on the audience and their reaction, while subtly adding a couple of standard Comedy Knights catch-phrases, which Dingli had been badgeringthe ladies about all throughout the show.
By taking on the multiple roles of different characters, and slipping in and out of them and into their own personae as actors, Weenink, Gatt and Dingli frolicked through the show, poking fun at themselves, and at everything and everyone in between.
For a self-confessed “unauthorised” GoT show, it actually also pays homage to the franchise and its creators in a manner that acknowledges the global phenomenon for what it is: a resounding success, without actually riding on its coattails.
The now-expected Comedy Knights brand of satire and humour is what buoys this production and certainly gives the audience what they came for – an hour of unbridled fun.
Go, relax and enjoy it.
GoT in 60 Minutes: The Unauthorised Parody is being staged at the MADC Clubhouse on Thursday at 8pm and Friday and Saturday at 7.30pm. Tickets may be obtained at