Fun can be had on both sides of the spectrum these days, indeed, on both sides and a bit. The most fun I'm currently having is watching people try to deflect the blame for the PN's almighty thrashing from themselves by, for instance, trying to dump it on poor innocent lambs like me and other "opinionists", if you'll forgive my crass adoption of the vernacular "opinjonisti".

Seriously, you really and truly want the world at large to believe that you or others chose to vote Labour because I had the temerity to express my opinion? Sad, that is, seriously sad, sad that you have such a low opinion of your fellow man, that you think that blogs and columns can sway him, and sad that you think people are so naive that they swallow your amateurish attempts at deception.

There's fun to be had with wondering what the point of AD is from now on: despite a massive swing against the PN, they had quite a piteous election (not as much as the PN's, of course) but still some of their exponents are scurrying around hoping some crumbs will fall from Labour's laden table.

So desperate are AD for a place at that table that some of them are even angling for the Speaker's job, which would give them a Parliamentary presence without an iota of influence, in the circumstances.And what about Labour's new Cabinet, huh?

Isn't the appointment of Dr Manwel Mallia to that one heck of a Super Ministry proof positive, beyond reasonable doubt, as it were, that when they piggy-backed on the Ghaxaq lawyer's squealing about Justice and Home Affairs being unclean bedfellows, they were being cynically opportunistic? There's no problem with the cops and the judges being in the same bed now, it seems, just as long as the bedspread is red and the army is in there with them.

But still, it's early days yet, no doubt there'll be more goodies for us, such as the odd notion that on a change of Government, everyone and his brother should resign.

Let's put it down to an excess of energy, for now, shall we, an eagerness to change? On the other hand, the PM has just said he's ready to work with anyone, so perhaps his Ministers will get the hint,There's plenty of fun to be had on the PN side, too.

Quite apart from the squirming and squiggling as everyone tries to avoid the pointing finger of blame, there's the jostling for position as the leadership and other posts come up for grabs.

I'm not entirely sure that certain perspicacious types aren't actually trying to avoid rather than snap up the job(s), given that in a short five years' time, Labour's massive majority will be a tough nut to crack and no mistake.

Less enjoyable, though equally revealing, are the bitter spasms of conscience people like Arrigo from Sliema are having. He's obviously entitled to his opinion and you can understand how he thinks he can ride on his personal success at the polls to disassociate himself from his party's disaster, but does he really think he did himself any good at all by putting it all in writing?Does he not get it?


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