This item appeared in the ‘Connecting Malta to mainland Europe’ supplement by ATTO published with The Sunday Times of Malta on April 7, 2024

Ports Foremen Co-operative Limited is a co-operative registered as a limited liability under the laws of Malta and regulated by the Co-operative Societies Act (Cap. 442).

The Port Foremen Co-operative is a member of the Malta Co-operative Federation. Founded in 2008, the Ports Foremen Co-operative Ltd. is in charge to correct and timely order the deployment of port workers including shifts and hour allocations on vessels and within the terminal.

The co-operative is responsible for organising, managing, instructing and supervising the vessel operation services, terminal operator workers and port workers during unloading or loading cargo on vessel and within the terminal in Malta and Gozo ports. Additionally, the port foremen oversee cargo handling as specified in the port workers regulations. During operations, the port foremen representing this co-operative serve as a link between the vessel crew, terminal operator workers and port workers to handle the operations in the most effective and efficient way. This also leads to ensure the safety of the port workers and terminal operator workers on board the vessel and terminal during the operations.

This co-operative understands the importance of safety and work continuously to develop their skills and knowledge by sharing experiences, practices, and ongoing courses. The Port Foremen Co-operative has a vast experience managing both domestic and transhipment Roro cargo operation, container cargo operation, bulk cargo operation and conventional cargo operation. The Port Foremen Co-operative is responsible in discharging and loading cargo from port to ship, ship to port and ship to ship as well.

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