Ivan Grech Mintoff, leader of the right-wing ABBA political party, was stopped from taking half a dozen eggs into a television studio where a political debate was being recorded on Thursday.

"I need these eggs to protest,” Grech Mintoff told Joanna Spiteri, the CEO of the Broadcasting Authority, who stopped him at the door. 

When told he could only take in notes, he protested that his right to peaceful protest was being violated. 

Grech Mintoff hit the headlines when he threw eggs in front of the prime minister during Labour's March 31 commemoration in Vittoriosa, protesting that Malta's neutrality was being undermined.

Earlier this month he hurled an egg on stage and stormed out of a university debate in protest over speaking time. 

Thursday's debate was organised by the Broadcasting Authority and included representatives of the PL and the PN. Grech Mintoff still participated, but said he would institute a court case over the matter on Friday, claiming that this was a fascist tactic to stop protest.  

The debate will be broadcast on TVM on Thursday evening. 

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