The prime minister underscored Malta's support for Ukraine on Wednesday, stressing that there can be no peace without justice and no justice without accountability.

"That is why we need to continue supporting Ukraine for as long as it takes to ensure that all those responsible are held accountable, and the victims’ rights to truth, justice and reparations are realized," he told a summit of the Council of Europe, being held in Iceland.

"For already 447 days, our brothers and sisters in Ukraine have been under direct attack and at the receiving end of the most serious crimes under international law. It was not only fitting therefore, but necessary, that we reconvened today: To unite for Ukraine. To seek solutions for this horrific crisis," he said.

Abela also pointed to other crises facing Europe including climate change. and migration. On the latter, he said the member countries needed to strengthen their fight against migrant trafficking and smuggling and increase support to frontline states as well as countries of origin and transit.

He said the rise of the anti-gender movement was another worrying challenge for which all must double their efforts to counter harmful rhetoric and prioritize gender equality in their work and at all levels.

The prime minister said the Council of Europe had been pivotal in setting solid standards in the field of human rights, particularly through the system developed around the European Convention on Human Rights.

"As a beating heart is central to sustaining life, so is the Convention system to the Council’s protection of human rights. We need to continuously invest in it and provide it with the tangible and collective support necessary to ensure its long-term sustainability and effectiveness."

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