A painting titled Ecce Homo (pastel on paper) by the late artist Aldo Micallef-Grimaud (1925-2010) was recently donated to the Malta Society of Arts by the artist’s daughter, Glorian S. Micallef-Grimaud. Depicting the face of Jesus Christ, the painting will now join the society’s collection of sacred art.

The donation was held at the chapel of MSA’s seat Palazzo de La Salle in Valletta, in the presence of MSA’s president Adrian Mamo, MSA’s vice president Roderick Camilleri, MSA’s Gold Medal recipient Joseph Paul Cassar, Micallef-Grimaud’s daughter Glorian and his granddaughter Corinne.

On the day of the donation, Cassar said that Micallef-Grimaud’s works warrant greater recognition, underscoring the necessity for more comprehensive studies of his artistic career than currently available.

Cassar was the driving force behind the decision to donate the Ecce Homo painting to the MSA, acknowledging Micallef-Grimaud’s long-standing connections with the society. Notably, the artist had served as the MSA’s honorary secretary on its committee for many years and received the MSA’s Silver Medal in recognition of his contributions to the arts scene in Malta and beyond.

Micallef-Grimaud specialised in portraiture and his works adorn more than 15 local and foreign churches.

Micallef-Grimaud’s contributions to the visual and performing arts were officially recognised on September 17, 1992

Aldo Micallef-Grimaud bio

Born on April 23, 1925, to John and Anna née Fiorentini, Aldo Micallef-Grimaud left an indelible mark on the world of visual and performing arts until his passing in 2010.

A pivotal moment in his artistic journey occurred at the age of 11 when his art teacher, Ramiro Calì, recognised his talent. Calì recommended that he enrol at the Malta School of Art in Valletta, despite the entry age being 12. When faced with his disappointment, Robert Caruana Dingli, impressed by the young man’s artistic prowess, granted him an exception after witnessing a remarkable still-life drawing. Thus, Micallef-Grimaud embarked on a daily ferry journey from Sliema to attend lessons by notable artists such as Robert and Edward Caruana Dingli, Carmelo Mangion and Vincenzo Bonello.

Amid the tumult of Benito Mussolini’s declaration of war on June 10, 1940, he steadfastly attended the School of Art accompanied by his friend Antoine Camilleri, seeking refuge during air raids in the school’s lower levels.

Responding to Edward Caruana Dingli’s recommendation, Micallef-Grimaud pursued a course in nude painting at the EVT Heliopolis, a British-run academy for RAF personnel during World War II.

Micallef-Grimaud emerged as a dynamic and prolific artist, earning recognition through competition victories and commissions both locally and internationally. His portfolio featured prominently in solo and collective exhibitions, with his enduring works displayed in various locations, including St Augustine’s church in Valletta, Tal-Providenza in Siġġiewi, and the English Martyrs church in London.

Aldo excelled as a society portrait artist and was also a respected tenor. His union with Mariuccia née Quattromani, a fellow student of Vincent Apap at the Malta School of Art, resulted in a family of three children: Mario, Nadine and Glorian.

Micallef-Grimaud’s contributions to the visual and performing arts were officially recognised on September 17, 1992, when he was awarded the Silver Medal of the Society of Arts for his enduring artistic achievements. His legacy lives on through his body of work and the impact he made on the artistic community in Malta and beyond.


For more details about the Malta Society of Arts, visit www.artsmalta.org or its Facebook page.

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