The Alf Mizzi & Sons Group, comprising 29 companies and 211 managers, has this year held its 25th group conference at the Hilton Portomaso Suite.

The main speaker was Anton Tagliaferro, a Maltese-born Australian investor, who spoke about Investors Mutual investment policies. He was introduced by Alec A Mizzi, AMS Group CEO, who referred to Magnus Angenfelt’s book The 99 Greatest Investors in the World, which placed Tagliaferro in such august company as Warren Buffett, George Soros, Carlos Slim and Carl Icahn.

The support speaker was Richard Muscat, who spoke about the University of Malta’s research in the field of neuroscience and specifically, the alleviation of the impact of stroke, thanks to a €150,000 sponsorship received from the group’s CSR arm, The Alfred Mizzi Foundation.

The AMS Group started its first conference in 1995, when 51 managers were present. This has now grown to 211 managers. Of the original 51, 22 are still working within the group. Among the better-known speakers over the years, the Group has had Stephen Fry, Edward de Bono, Lord Igor Judge, Sir Matthew Pinsent, Simon Woodroffe and Sir Ranulph Fiennes.

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