Gemelli Art Gallery at the Ta’ Qali Crafts Village is set to host Of Cloaks and Veils, an exhibition that marks a significant milestone in Mark Callus’s artistic journey. A self-taught artist, Of Cloaks and Veils marks his debut in the world of art. 

Callus’s work spans from the delicate lines of charcoal to the vibrant complexity of oil paints, showcasing his versatility.

His work in Of Cloaks and Veils delves into the themes of mystery, identity and transformation, inviting audiences to uncover the layers within each piece.

It captures moments of introspection and human experiences.  

“We all have facades; we all have cloaks and veils. We all, as T.S. Eliot says, ‘put on a face to meet the faces that we meet’,” says the artist. 

This is what Callus’s art here explores: to depict what the eye sees in a way which reflects the soul. Being a reserved person by nature, the artist knows that art reveals.  All art should “communicate before it is understood”.

Callus invites viewers to join him on this journey and experience the    profound impact of art.

This exhibition will be launched at Gemelli Framing & Art Gallery, at Ta’ Qali Craft Village from August 3-6 and 17-31. The exhibition is being sponsored by Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited.

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