Nine young adults this morning left Malta for Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, which they are attempting to climb to raise awareness and funds for the construction of an orphanage in Nyamonge close to the Kisumu Municipality in Kenya in the Kilimanjaro Challenge 5.

The Kikuyu and Kamba tribes have suffered great loss of properties and lives at the hands of the other tribes as a result of political violence. Kisumu is one of the worst hit areas in Kenya with HIV due to poverty, promiscuity and lack of medical care. Once completed this orphanage would welcome orphans from all tribes and christened ‘Oasis of Peace’ - a name aptly chosen by Fr George Grima, founder of the Moviment Missjunarju Gesù fil-Proxxmu.

The team have been undergoing gruelling training in preparation for the feat and have dedicted a great deal of time towards the organisation of fund-raisning activities for the cause.

60,000 euros out of the 200,000 euros needed for the orphanage have so far been collected.

In excess of 233,000 euro were collected in the previous challenges. These were invested in the construction of a school and convent complex in the Ethiopian village of Bulbula, within the Meki province and the prosthesis required by a Maltese national who lost all fingers and both legs as a result of meningitis.

The aim this year is to raise 25,000 euros.

A €2.33 can be made by sending an SMS to 50617360.

Donations by cheque should be addressed to Kilimanjaro Challenge 5. One can also donate through a bank transfer to HSBC account 061 242 848 050.

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