Alliance Real Estate Group celebrated its top performing property advisors of 2024 at an extravagant awards day at the Radisson Blu Golden Sands Resort and Spa in Mellieha.

Attended by some 400 real estate professionals, the full-day event included key note presentations on the theme of service excellence, from Peter-Jan Grech, Emma Hogg, Matt Kimberley and Helen Chorley.  The day started with coffee and cakes on arrival and a corporate video celebrating the spirit of Alliance Real Estate People. Malta’s best known singer, Ira Losco, presented the event and performed solo and with DJ Tiffany and Sax player Luca Gurrieri, who also performed their own solo numbers to applause and cheers from the enthusiastic audience. After a lavish networking lunch, dancers from Annalise Dance Studio, performed a pumping dance routine on stage to get everyone moving for the afternoon session.

Top performing sales branches: Chief of Sales Gordon Attard, Joe Caruana Curran (Alliance Ibragg), Gordon Valentino (Alliance Tigne), Fabien Debono (Alliance Marina) with Alliance CEO Michael Bonello.Top performing sales branches: Chief of Sales Gordon Attard, Joe Caruana Curran (Alliance Ibragg), Gordon Valentino (Alliance Tigne), Fabien Debono (Alliance Marina) with Alliance CEO Michael Bonello.

No less than 160 certificates and trophies were handed out to the top performing Sales and Lettings Property Advisors of 2024. Alliance Tigne won the top producing branch awards for total sales volume, sales service fees generated and top commission generated per capita. Alliance Rental Solutions won the top Lettings Branch awards for number of transactions and service fees, whilst Alliance by Malta Commercial Agency won the Top Lettings Branch for service fees generated per capita.

The day was closed off with a boisterous performance from singer/songwriter Shaun Farrugia, who used to be an Alliance Property Advisor, before becoming internationally renowned for his work with DJ Martin Garrix and others.

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