Alternatives sites in the south to that being proposed for a university should be considered by the government, Education Minister Evarist Bartolo said today.

Speaking on Times Talk, which is today discussing the environment and investment, Mr Bartolo said that Fort Ricasoli was small but there were other sites in the sites which could be considered.

The controversial proposal to build a university on pristine agricultural land in Outside Development Zone in Marsascala is facing growing opposition but the government claims the project will help regenerate the south.

Later in the programme, the minister said that the biggest chunk of EU funds allocated for the relocation of old places were to be used for the expansion of the University of Malta.

Also taking part in the programme, presented by Times of Malta’s head of media Herman Grech and chief reporter Mark Micallef, are shadow minister Marthese Portelli and Alternattiva Demokratika’s deputy chairman Carmel Cacopardo.

A repeat of the programme will be available on this website tomorrow.

Meanwhile, in a comment on Facebook, Alexandra Mizzi, Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi's daughter, wrote that while she was all for investment and education in Malta, she did not agree the new university should be built on ODZ land.

"There are most certainly areas/buildings which are more suitable to be utilised for this purpose. We need to protect our environment for the future generations. That was my apolitical 2c!"

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