Alternattiva Demokratika has said it is in favour of introducing the morning-after pill, saying its introduction should form part of a "desperately needed" reform in sexual health education. 

AD is the first political party to take a clear stand on the issue, with debate having been ignited by a judicial protest filed this week by the Women's Rights Foundation calling for emergency contraception to be legalised. 

In a statement issued this morning, AD said that it was "adamantly" against the negative portrayal of contraceptive issues and female sexual health. "Negative images attributed to sexually-active women might hinder young women from seeking support," the party said. 

AD civil rights spokesperson Claire Azzopardi Lane said the pill should be introduced in a measured way. "The ECP on its own will prevent, in an emergency a prospective pregnancy, but will not change any underlying psychosocial problems which tend to lead to unplanned pregnancy," Dr Azzopardi Lane said. 

AD Youth general secretary Ann Marie Azzopardi said that the morning after pill should be freely available, as part of the national health service, to anyone over the age of 16. 

"It should also however be made available to under 16 year olds subject to medcal supervision. Women dispensed with ECP should be offered sexual health counselling. There is a need for a positive, shameless sexual health campaign accompanying this measure," she said. 

Malta is the only EU country to not offer access to emergency contraception.

Maltese bishops have come out against its introduction, calling it "abortive in many cases", while a group called Women for Life suggested that introducing emergency contraception could encourage rapists.  


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