A large bowl that was excavated at Tarxien prehistoric complex by Temi Zammit has been restored and returned to the place where it was found more than a century ago.

The bowl, carved out of stone, was discovered in August 1915, next to one of the doorways inside the prehistoric complex.  It was broken and missing some fragments, but it was nonetheless impressive, both in size as well as for the fact that rather than being made of clay, it had been carved from stone, Heritage Malta said.

In 1917 the missing pieces of the bowl were reproduced and attached to the original ones to make the vessel look whole.

Over the years, the bowl suffered occasional damage which was repaired from time to time. The ensuing results were layers of modern materials, such as various glues and cement.

At the start of 2023 Heritage Malta curators launched a project for its restoration, roping in the agency's Conservation Department and Digitisation Unit.


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