
AMATO. On May 17, ERMINIA, née Arrigo, passed away at the venerable age of 99 to join her beloved Victor. She will be mourned and greatly missed by her children Helen, widow of Colin Tabone, Madeleine and her husband Brian Hladnik, Edward, widower of Josette, George and his wife Gillian, and Mary, her grandchildren David and Alexia, Nicky and Ewelina, Jo and Abner, Mark and Alina, Nick and Lucy, Lisa and Jonas, Lexy and Daniel, Michael, David and Kelly, Andrew and Ella, Angie and Neil, Emma and Nick, and Max together with her 13 great-grandchildren, Lucienne, her nephews and nieces, her cousins, other relatives and friends, and her devoted carers, Dexter and Love. Funeral Mass will be said on Tuesday, May 23, at Tal-Ibraġ parish church, at 9.30am, followed by burial in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. No flowers by request but donations to Hospice Malta, Balzan or Jays of Sunshine would be appreciated. May she rest in peace.

CORDINA. On May 18, JOSEPH, aged 89, passed away peacefully, comforted by the rites of Holy Church and surrounded by his loving family. He will be deeply missed by his wife Connie, his children Louise and Ernest Mallia, Noel and Solange, Sharon and Mario de Marco, his grandchildren Kim, Andrew, Nicky, Andrea and Luca, his in-laws and their families, other relatives and friends. The funeral cortège leaves Casa Antonia, Balzan, on Monday, May 22, for St Gregory parish church, Sliema, where Mass præsente cadavere will be said at 8.45am, followed by interment at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. Lord, grant him eternal rest. Special thanks go to the caregivers, nurses and staff at Casa Antonia for all their love, care and dedication.

In Memoriam

CASSAR – JOSEPH. Treasured memories of a wonderful husband, father and grandfather on the fifth anniversary of his passing away. Deeply missed by his wife Tanja, his daughters Mateja and Reuben Farrugia, Valentina and Michael Camilleri, and his grandchildren Max, Alex, Gina and Stella. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

DISTEFANO – FRANK. Treasured memories of a dearly loved father and grandfather, today the 17th anniversary of his death. Fondly remembered by his children Ivan, Claude, Nicolette and their families. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

ELLUL-MICALLEF – CONNIE. Fondly remembered by her family on the fourth anniversary of her passing. A prayer is kindly solicited.

SCIBERRAS. In loving memory of MARLENE who passed away on May 19, 2014. Fondly remembered by her family.

SELVAGI. In sweet and loving memory of my dearly beloved sister JOAN on the 14th anniversary of her meeting the Risen Lord. So loved and deeply missed by David and Charmaine.

SELVAGI. Cherished memories of our joyful and affectionate aunty JOAN, today being the 14th anniversary of her passing away. Always in our thoughts and prayers, her nephews Christopher and Adrian and her niece Felicity.

SELVAGI. Fondest memories of our dearest JOAN, today the 14th anniversary of her passing on to eternal life. Lovingly remembered by Raphael, Joanna, Michael, Paula, John-Paul, Ben, Alex, Nick, Oliver, Matthew and all those whose life she touched during her short but beautiful life. Rest in the Lord’s eternal peace dearest Joan.

In loving memory of ANTON FARRUGIA on the eighth anniversary of his demise, May 19, 2015. Deeply missed and forever loved by his wife Ursula, his children Maria and Grazio, Joseph and Miriam, Emanuel, John and Charmaine, his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Lord, grant him eternal rest Always in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.

MAURICE GREGORY Everlasting memories of a beloved father and grandfather on the 50th anniversary of his passing into God’s eternally green and peaceful pastures. We had the world When we had you A world of love And happiness too Now silent thoughts And many a tear Yet we feel your presence and ever so near. Forever in our hearts and prayers. Walter and Joanna, Cecilia and Godfrey, Francis and Nana, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Rest in eternal peace.

Evelyn Psaila, Roberta Farrugia and Raphael Psaila wish to thank Fr. Dennis Schembri, the parish priest of Stella Maris church, Sliema, family members, relatives and friends who attended the funeral Mass, sent flowers, cards and donations or in any other way expressed sympathy on the sad loss of our dearly beloved husband and father, CHARLES PSAILA who went to meet the Risen Lord on May 7th, 2023. Lord, grant him eternal rest. 

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