CARUANA. On December 1, at Mater Dei Hospital, MARIO, aged 69, went to meet the Risen Lord, comforted by the rites of Holy Church. Always loved and never forgotten by his beloved wife Ana, his two daughters Daniela and her partner John Ross, Roberta and her husband Peppe, his grandson Luca, his sister Antoinette and her husband Ray, his mother-in-law Ġuża, his brother-in-law Joseph and numerous friends.

The funeral leaves Mater Dei Hospital on Wednesday, December 4, at 2pm, for Lija parish church, where Mass præsente cadavere will be said at 2.30pm, followed by interment at Lija cemetery.

Lord, grant him eternal rest.

MUSCAT. On November 30, MICHAEL, known as ‘Tal-Presepju’, aged 73, from Mosta, passed away unexpectedly but peacefully, surrounded by his loving family and comforted by the rites of Holy Church. He will always be loved and cherished by his wife Carmen, his daughter Diane and her husband Jason, his son Fr Charlon (parish priest of St Joseph the Worker, Birkirkara), his precious grandson Jake, his mother-in-law Tessie, his siblings, his in-laws and all their families, other relatives, the Mosta community and numerous friends.

The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital tomorrow, Tuesday, December 3, for Mosta Basilica where mass to celebrate his fulfilling life will be said at 3.30pm, followed by interment in the family grave at Mosta cemetery. Donations to Dar tal-Kleru, Birkirkara, will be greatly appreciated. 

May the Lord grant him eternal rest.


CARABOT – LINA, née Grech. Fondest and treasured memories of a beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother on the 12th anniversary of her demise. May the Lord grant her eternal rest. Her children Mary Ann, Philip and Sandra.

FARRUGIA. Loving memories of our dear mother GEORGINA, née Wells, on the anniversary of her death. Mabel and Constance and their families.

MUSCAT – CARMELO. Cherished memories of a dear father and grandfather on the 50th anniversary of his demise. Always in our thoughts and prayers. Deeply missed by Frank and Maryanne, in-laws, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

SPITERI – JOSEPHINE. On the 21st anniversary of her passing to eternal life. You will remain in our hearts forever. Vivienne, Paul, their spouses, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

In loving memory of CHARLES GATT BALDACCHINO today the 27th anniversary of his passing on to eternal life to meet the Risen Lord. Deeply missed by his wife Carmen, his children Josianne, Edmund, Simon , Dolores and in-laws, his grandchildren Francesca, Rebecca, Michael, Malcolm, Carl, Sean, Julia and Emily. Mass will be said today at 6.30pm at Jesus of Nazareth parish church, Sliema Always in our thoughts and prayers

In ever loving memory of The Ven. Bailiff Fra’ JOHN EDWARD CRITIEN Sovereign Military Order of Malta GRAND PRIOR OF ROME KNIGHT RESIDENT – FORT ST ANGELO on the second anniversary of his passing away. Deeply missed by Anton and Geraldine, Peter and Sarah, Ian and Sarah and the children – Eva, Dave, Bea, Nina, and Alex and by family and friends. Mass for the repose of his soul will be said at 6pm tomorrow Tuesday 3rd December at St. Lawrence Conventual and Collegiate parish church in Vittoriosa. May the Lord grant him eternal rest

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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