BUSUTTIL. On June 3, at Mater Dei Hospital, MARIA VICTORIA, née Portelli, widow of Roger, passed away. She leaves to mourn her loss her most treasured children Camille-Marsha and her husband Owen Cutajar, Joanne-Aristea, Roderick-Nicholas and his partner Romina Camilleri and Randolph-Silvester, her most adored grandchildren Arthur, Alexander, Aristea, Sebastian-Clark, Kayden and Ivy, brothers and sisters, in-laws, cousins, other relatives and friends. She generously donated her body to the Anatomy Department at the University of Malta. A memorial service will be held tomorrow, Friday, July 14 at 6pm at St Patrick’s church. No flowers by request but donations to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Siġġiewi, or to the Salesians of Don Bosco, Sliema, will be appreciated. Eternal rest grant to her, O Lord.

FORMOSA. On July 10, VINCENT “l-Palma”, aged 62, originally from Msida but lived with his wife and children in Ta’ Żwejt, San Ġwann, passed away peacefully at his own home. He leaves to mourn his wife Janet, his three sons Darrell and his wife Jesiccajoan, Andrew and his partner Anita, Ryan his four brothers Anton and his wife Carol, Paul and his wife Claire, Noel and his wife Jacquline, Joseph and his wife Maria, nephews and nieces, his cousin Tessie, many other family member, friends and his beloved pets Bonnie, Ringo and Pallyma. The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei hospital tomorrow, Friday, July 14, at 7.30am, where Mass praesente cadavere will be said at Saint Joseph parish church, Msida, at 8am, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. Lord, grant him eternal rest and prayers for his family and friends grieving his loss.
In Memoriam
CUSCHIERI. In loving memory of WINNIE, née Naudi, a dear and beloved sister, today the 33rd anniversary of her demise. Fondly remembered by her brother Anton and his wife, Marlene, in-laws, nephews and nieces. Forever in our thoughts and daily prayers. May the Lord grant her eternal peace and rest. Today’s 6.30pm Mass at Stella Maris parish church, Sliema, will be offered for the repose of her soul. The attendance of relatives and friends is greatly appreciated.
DEPARES. In loving memory of JOSEPHINE, widow of Charles, today, the 10th anniversary of her death. Always in our heart and our prayers. John, Elizabeth, David, Senay, Leo, Jacqueline, Will, Emilia and Sophia.
MONTANARO. In loving memory of our beloved mother ELVIRA, today the 22nd anniversary of her demise. Always in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. Fondly remembered by her children and grandchildren.
PIZZUTO. In loving memory of MICHAEL G, today being the 36th anniversary of his death. Always missed and forever remembered by his family. Lord, grant him eternal rest.
ZAMMIT – JOE. Today being the 42nd anniversary of his passing to eternal life. All these years have passed and yet he is forever in our hearts, in our thoughts and prayers. His wife Mona, and his children Vikki, Patty and Simone. Sweet Jesus, grant him eternal rest.
In Memoriam MARIJA KRISTINA MIFSUD So rich at heart 2.8.1976 – 13.7.2002 You were God’s gift to us for 25 years and a Joy to all A Mass for her repose will be said at Marsascala parish church today, Thursday at 6.30pm. Lovingly remembered and treasured by her parents Tony and Rose, brother Adrian and wife Nathalie, relatives and friends. Rest in peace
REGGIE SPITERI 1937-1995 Years have passed and it gets harder As I struggle on my own I still wait for you to come to lunch Or to hear you on the phone I come to see you At your resting place Which is now our only tie Then I come home bewildered Asking myself why? But I never have an answer As to why we are apart And though I know That you're not around me I still live with a broken heart But God is Love and Mercy And He holds us all so dear And that He keeps telling me that someday I'll be with you in that Great Somewhere. Your wife Emily