71st Wedding Anniversary

Mr Thomas Bond and Miss Joan Vassallo

The marriage took place at St Cajetan parish church, Ħamrun, on July 8, 1952. Congratulations on your anniversary and may God bless you both. Love always, your children Shirley, Elizabeth, Doug, Joe, Margaret, Agnes, Janet, and Tom; grandchildren Jamaal, Darnell, Chris, April, Ryan, Maxine, Jason, Cassandra, Robert, Mya, Rheana, and Alyssa; and great-grandchildren Alaiya, Braydon, Aubrey, Grayson, Leila, London, Emerson, Kelsey, Dayton, and Dominic. We love you.


GRECH. On July 5, at Pax Et Bonum Home, Mosta, MARIA née Borg, widow of Charles, passed away peacefully in her sleep, aged 93, comforted by the rites of Holy Church. She leaves to mourn her sad loss, her only son Mario and his wife Pat, her granddaughter Alexea and grandson David and her much loved great-granddaughters Maya and Luli, her sisters Tessie and Benny, her brother Carmelo, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital on Monday, July 10, at 8am for St Helen’s Basilica, Birkirkara, where Mass præsente cadavere will be celebrated at 8.30am, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. No flowers by request but donations to Caritas Malta would be appreciated. Lord, grant her eternal rest. The family wishes to thank the Franciscan Sisters of Pax Et Bonum Home, Mosta, in particular Sr Nazarja, and the carers for their dedication and care in making her last years as comfortable as possible.

In Memoriam

AMATO-GAUCI. Treasured memories of ALLAN, 35 years since his death. So greatly missed by Ann and Torio and the children.

ATTARD – EDWIGE. In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother who passed away 36 years ago. George, Gladys, Daniela and Stephen.

CASSAR – SILVIO. On the 14th anniversary of his passing, lovingly remembered and sadly missed by daughter Marlene, grandchildren Diana, Amanda and John. May the Lord grant him eternal rest until we meet again.

FIORINI LOWELL. In loving memory of MARY on the 15th anniversary of her death. Always in our thoughts and prayers. Her family.

GALEA. Proud and everlasting memories of a dear father, grandfather and great-grandfather, Dr ERIC GALEA, Ph.C., MD, who passed away 38 years ago today. Always remembered and sadly missed by his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Kindly remember him in your prayers.

GALEA – ERIC. Treasured memories of a dear uncle, especially today the anniversary of his demise. Always in our thoughts and prayers. Cynthia and Claire.

MIFSUD – ANTOINE. Cherished and loving memories on the seventh anniversary of his demise. Deeply missed and never forgotten in the hearts of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

VELLA. In loving memory of MARSHA, being the first anniversary of her demise. Always in our thoughts and prayers. Carmelina, Simone and Carmelo, Marie and Olvin, nephews and nieces. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

In loving memory of MONICA SANT on the seventh anniversary of her death, 8 July 2016. Her love, care, warmth and affection are still deeply missed by Michael, Michelle and Jeremy, Mireille and Peter, Marc, grandchildren, relatives and friends. Lord, grant her eternal rest

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To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail classified@timesofmalta.com. On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail night@timesofmalta.com.

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