CARRINGTON. Suddenly, on July 4, in Marsalforn, Gozo, DAVID, aged 74, passed away to eternal life. He leaves to mourn his irreparable loss his very devoted and beloved wife Charlotte, née Formosa Holt, his loving children James and Chrissy, Philippa and James, his precious granddaughters Grace, Ella and Alice, his sisters Jane and Don and Anne, nephews, relatives and his many friends in Gozo and the UK. Mass præsente cadavere will be said on Tuesday, July 11 at 5pm at Sannat parish church, followed by private interment. No flowers by request but a donation to the Sannat parish will be greatly appreciated. Merciful Lord Jesus, grant him eternal rest.
GRECH. On July 5, at Pax Et Bonum Home, Mosta, MARIA, née Borg, widow of Charles, passed away peacefully in her sleep, aged 93, comforted by the rites of Holy Church. She leaves to mourn her sad loss her only son Mario and his wife Pat, her granddaughter Alexea and grandson David and her much loved great-granddaughters Maya and Luli, her sisters Tessie and Benny, her brother Carmelo, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital tomorrow, Monday, July 10, at 8am for St Helen’s Basilica, Birkirkara, where Mass præsente cadavere will be celebrated at 8.30am, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. No flowers by request but donations to Caritas Malta would be appreciated. Lord, grant her eternal rest. The family wish to thank the Franciscan Sisters of Pax Et Bonum Home, in particular Sr Nazarja, and the carers for their dedication and care in making her last years as comfortable as possible.
Requiem Mass
On the trigesima die of the death of TAZIANA GRECH who went to meet the Risen Lord on June 12, 2023, a Mass for the repose of her soul will be offered on Wednesday, July 12, at 6.30pm at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Mellieħa. Family and friends are welcome to attend. May she rest in peace.
In Memoriam
CALLABY-FLORIDIA. In loving memory of RHODERICK, a dear husband, father and grandfather, today being his 17th anniversary. Sadly missed by his wife Sandra, children Lexi and Claude, David and Ana, and his precious grandchildren Maya, Thomas, Sam, Ella, Filippa, Mikela and Lucija. Lord grant him eternal rest.
CAMILLERI. Treasured and unfading memories of HELEN, being the 27th anniversary of her demise. Always remembered by her daughter Odette.
HERRERA – VICTOR. Remembering our dear father on the anniversary of his passing away. Forever in our hearts.
SALIBA. Treasured memories of RUDOLPH, a wonderful husband and father on the anniversary of his passing into the Lord’s arms. Forever in our thoughts and prayers. Edith, Stephanie, Geoffrey, Jack and Luke.
SALIBA. In loving memory of a dear brother, RUDOLPH, who returned to the Risen Lord 35 years ago today. Always living in our hearts and remembered in our prayers. Alma and Mario, Nives and families. Lord, grant him eternal rest.
SALIBA – RUDOLPH. In loving memory of a dear friend on the 35th anniversary of his passing away. Fondly remembered by Tonio and Pauline, Mark and Ingrid, and Helen.
SALIBA. In loving memory of our dearest brother-in-law RUDOLPH on his anniversary. Gone but never forgotten. David, Muriel and Martin.
Maria Falzon, her daughter Romina, her husband Evan, her sons Joseph and his partner Maria, Noel and his partner Hermann and grandchildren would like to thank Fr Walter Cauchi for celebrating Mass for the repose of CARMELO FALZON (founder, Style Furniture) who went to meet the Risen Lord on June 8, 2023. We also would like to thank all those who attended the funeral or in any way supported us on this sad loss, especially staff of Hospice Malta, Balzan, and staff at the Palliative Ward, SAMOC, Mater Dei Hospital for their valuable support and assistance. Lord, grant him eternal rest
In loving memory of ADELAIDE GRIXTI on the first anniversary of her passing to a better life July 9, 2022 - July 9, 2023 Fondly remembered by her husband Rene, her sons Alfred and his wife Angela and Ivan and his partner Kathleen and her grandchildren Daniel and his wife Annalise, Thomas, Mireille and Esther. Her sisters-in-law Agatha and Rose and Mary widow of her brother-in-law Emanuel. Her siblings Albert Borg, Rose Attard, Mary Zammit, Bro. Frank Borg S.J., Lily and her husband Renald Dalli and Josephine and her husband Alfred Cremona, nieces, nephews and cousins. Masses for the repose of her soul will be celebrated at St Gregory s Parish Church Sliema and the Basilica a/Our lady a/Safe Haven and St Dominic, Valletta and Ta' Pinu Sanctuary, Gozo. Lord, grant her eternal rest
In loving m emory of CHRIS MOUSÙ on the fifth anniversary of his demise, July 8, 2018. Fondly remembered by his wife Caroline, née Laferla, and his sons Jeremy, Zak and Nick, his parents Tony and Ines, his sister Elizabeth, his in-laws, nephews and nieces, relatives and friends. Lord, grant him eternal rest
CRISTINA PARLATO TRIGONA 10.3.1970 – 11.7.2013 Dearest Cristina y ou are not gone, You remain here beside us, Just in a different form. We look for you in our heart And there we find you In our love which forever lives on. In those moments when we feel alone We look for you in our thoughts And there we find you In sweet memories that burn strong. Every time a tear forms in our eyes We look up to the heavens And there we see you Smiling down from God's glorious skies All Masses said today at St Patrick's church, Sliema, will be offered for her repose. Eternal rest grant unto her dear Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her and may she rest in peace Amen. Mum, Greta and family.
The Sant family and their respective families would like to thank you most sincerely for your kind expression of sympathy shown on the sad loss of JOYCE SANT 2.8.1934 - 12.6.2023 a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and sister. Please remember her in your prayers. Dear Lord, grant her eternal rest
In Memoriam Treasured memories of MARSHA VELLA who went to meet the Risen Lord on July 8, 2022, on the first anniversary of her demise. Fondly remembered by her son Andrew and his wife Sharon, her daughter Maria and her husband Keith, her grandchildren Angela, Elena, Jenny and James, relatives and friends. A light from our lives has gone, a voice we loved is still. A place is vacant within our hearts, which never can be filled. A bouquet of beautiful memories, sprayed with a million tears. We wish God could have spared you, if just for a few years. We hold you close within our hearts, and there you will remain. To walk with us throughout our lives, until we meet again. So rest in peace dear Mother, and thanks for all you've done. We pray that God has given you, The crown you've truly won. Your vacant place no one can fill. We miss you now and always will. Forever in our hearts and prayers A Mass for the repose of her soul will be said on Monday, July 10 at 6.30pm at Sacro Cuor Sanctuary, Sliema. A prayer is kindly solicited. Lord, grant her eternal life
Cherished and unfading memories of our dear SAVIOUR VELLA Thursday, July 13, 2023 being the 11th anniversary of his meeting with the Lord. Deeply missed by his wife Mary, his daughter Josette, his son Simon and his wife Stefania, his beloved grandchildren Mark and Matthew, his sister Mary and brother Alfred. Lord keep him in Your loving arms
To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail