
BARTOLO. On March 8, at his residence, Surg. Lt. Col. GIACINTO BARTOLO MD (Gino), of Mellieħa, aged 56, passed away peacefully, comforted by the rites of Holy Church. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife Josette, his children Johann and Christian, his brother Anton and his sister Joan and their families, his father-in-law and mother-in-law Anthony and Tessie, his in-laws and their respective families, other relatives and friends. The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital tomorrow, Thursday, March 11, at 1.15pm, for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary parish church, Mellieħa, where Mass præsente cadavere will be said at 2pm, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. Donations to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Siġġiewi, will be greatly appreciated. Lord, grant him eternal rest. The family would like to thank the heart failure clinic, renal unit, ophthalmic outpatient staff at Mater Dei Hospital, for their constant kindness and support, over these past years.

BRANCADORO. On March 7, in Rome, we sadly announce the passing of MARTHESE née Galea. To all the family and friends, we wish to inform you that Marthese passed away peace-fully. She will be greatly missed by her husband Franco, her son Daniele and his partner Elena, her family and all her friends. May she rest in peace.

In Memoriam

AGIUS. In loving memory of a dearest husband, father and grandfather BERTIE, today being the first anniversary of his passing to eternal life. He is fondly remembered by his beloved wife, Phyllis, his children Robert and Joanna, Michael, Bernard and Jarek and his grandchildren, Paula, Timothy, Gillian, Nadia and Thomas. A Mass for the repose of his soul will be said today, at Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish church, Balluta, at 6.30pm. Lord, grant him eternal peace.

CARUANA CURRAN – MAURICE. In everlasting memory of our beloved husband and father on the anniversary of his passing on ­March 10, 2015.

Be thou not afflicted!
In Heaven I love you,
I think of you, I pray for you, and as in life
I am still with you.
St Bonaventure.
Cettina, Simone and Paul.

CURMI. Remembering my dearest mother ROSE especially today the 15th anniversary of her calling to eternal life. Loved also by her grandsons Simon and his wife Michelle and Michael and his wife Erica and her great-grandsons Sebastian and Jeremy. May the Lord of mercy grant her and my dear father George eternal peace. Margaret.

HERSEY. In loving and unfading memory of DORIS, today the ninth anniversary of her passing away. Her brothers, sisters, in-laws, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. Please remember her in your daily prayers. The 6.30pm Mass at Stella Maris parish church, Sliema, on Friday, March 12, will be offered for the repose of her soul. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

LEAN – PHILIP. In loving memory of a much loved husband and a wonderful father, today the 15th anniversary of his passing away to eternal life. Always in our thoughts and prayers, we still miss you so much. Vivien, Edward and Francesca.

MONTANARO GAUCI – JOAN. Fondly remembered. Her family and friends.

SALOMONE. In loving memory of ANTOINE, today being the 24th anniversary of his death. Forever in our thoughts and prayers. Christine, Adrian and Martina, Michael, Joanna and Albert and grandchildren.

WARRINGTON – Col. THOMAS WARRINGTON, late RAMC. In loving memory of a very beloved father and grandfather on the 25th anniversary of his death. Forever in our thoughts and prayers. Anne and Victor, Rosalind and Jovin, his grandchildren Nigel, Teresa and Victoria and their families. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

To book an obituary or an ‘In Memoriam’ email or after office hours.

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