In Memoriam 

CAMILLERI – OSWALD (Ossie). Loving and very precious memories of a sadly missed father and grandfather, today being the 25th anniversary of his passing away. Always in our thoughts and prayers. His son Mark and wife Caroline, his grandsons Sean and Simon.

GATT – Major HENRY LOUIS GATT. On the fourth anniversary of his death, lovingly remembered and greatly missed by his son Anthony, his grandchildren Nicola and Paul, Katryna, Francesca and Pierluigi, Michael and Anastasia, Nicky and Diane and great-grandchildren Justin, Sophie, Elisa, Matt and Ben. May he rest in peace.

MARICH – LENA. Remembering our dearest mother on the 31st anniversary of her death. Forever loved and missed by her daughters Doreen, Caroline and Louise, her sons-in-law and beloved grandchildren. Rest in eternal peace mum.

MEILAK – Dr JOSEPH MEILAK, 18.3.1980. On the 45th year of his passing to eternal life, time will never dim the precious and beautiful memories of our beloved Joe, a wonderful and most loving husband, father and grandfather. Forever loved and revered. Ċettina, Stefan, Lucienne, Erika and grandchildren.

MIFSUD WISMAYER. In loving memory of FRANÇOIS on the first anniversary of his demise. Forever in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. Deeply missed by his son David and his mother Caroline, his parents Gaston and Marie Therese, his brother Claude together with his wife Inga and her son Luca. May the Lord grant him eternal rest. Masses for the repose of his soul will be celebrated this Thursday, March 20, at 7.30am, at Our Lady of Good Counsel church, Paceville, and at 6.30pm at the Millennium Chapel, Paceville.

PULIS. In loving memory of JOSEPH, a beloved father and grandfather, today, the 25th anniversary of his meeting with the Lord. Forever in the hearts and prayers of his daughters Yvonne and Josette, his grandchildren Michael, Mark and Daniela and their families. Dear Lord, grant him eternal life.

ULLO. Lovingly remembering my dear sister MARY who departed so suddenly on March 18, 2011. Still deeply missed by Josephine.

In remembrance of our two beautiful angels CARMEN FENECH ZAHRA (11.11.1961-21.03.2001) and LISA MARIA ZAHRA FENECH (02.12.1998-19.03.2014). LISA MARIA ZAHRA FENECH who left this world tragically on 19th March 2014 at the age of 15 and her mother CARMEN FENECH ZAHRA who died on 21st March 2001 at the age of 39. Mass in memory will be said on Saturday 22nd March at 10am at Tal-Karmnu Basilica, Valletta. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. Tony, Bella, Nicholas, Natasha, Michelle and the Zahra and Fenech families. 

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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