March 29 being the 37th anniversary of the death of MARIKA NAUDI, née Hili, a mass will be said today, March 25, at 6.30pm, at the Immaculate Conception parish church, Tal-Ibraġ. Attendance of relatives and friends will be appreciated.


ABELA. In loving memory of our dear father GODWIN on the 19th anniversary of his demise. Deeply missed and fondly remembered by his children Charlaine, Daphne, Karen, Duncan and their respective families. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

AQUILINA – LINO. In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, today the 31st anniversary of his passing away. His children Tony, Eddie, Mimi, Tito, Emma, Helena and Julia, in-laws and grandchildren. Forever in our thoughts and prayers.

GALEA – Dr GODFREY GALEA MD BSc D.R.C.O.G. In ever loving memory of a wonderful father, grandfather and great-grandfather on the 28th anniversary of his demise.


Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure.

You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.

Forever in our hearts, thoughts and prayers,

Yvonne, Christina, Adrian and Sarah.

Grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

GHIRLANDO. In loving memory of MARIA on the 14th anniversary of her death. She lives on in the hearts and minds of her husband Robert; James and Vicky, Louise and Adrian; her siblings Martin, Tanya, Connie and her husband Edgar; and her sisters-in-law, Stephanie and Margaret and their families.

GHIRLANDO – MARIA. Treasured memories of our beloved MARIA on the 14th anniversary of her passing to eternal life. Lovingly remembered by Connie and Edgar, Tanya, Martin, Robert, and their families. Dear Lord grant her eternal rest.

MERCIECA. In loving memory of our dear parents, ALBERT and OLGA, whose anniversaries fall on March 24 and 25. So dearly loved, so sadly missed. Kindly remember them in your prayers. Marguerite and Franca and their families.

NAUDI. In loving memory of MARIKA, née Hili, a loving wife and an adorable mother, today being the 37th anniversary of her death. Sadly missed and never forgotten by her husband Hector, son Karl and Nadine and their children.

NAUDI. In loving memory of our dear sister MARIKA, née Hili, on the 37th anniversary of her death. Beppe, Edith, Marin, Erika, Paul, Angela, Lilla, Gino, Melo, Fiona and their children.

PACE – ANNA (Poachie). In loving memory of our very dear sister who died at the tender age of 18 years, yesterday the anniversary of her death. Her brothers and sisters Sandra, Mark, Marian, John and their respective families. Kindly remember her in your prayers.

PULLICINO – EILEEN. Treasured and loving memories of a dear mother and grandmother on the 18th anniversary of her demise. Forever loved and greatly missed by her daughters Stephanie, Pat and Chris and Graziella and her grandchildren Francesca, Alexia and Eluiana. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

Nanna KARMENA on your 24th year of your demise 25.03.2000. I’m sending a dove to Heaven With a parcel on its wings; Be careful when you open it; It’s full of beautiful things Inside are a million kisses; Wrapped up in a million hugs; To say how much I miss you; And send you all my love I hold you close within my heart; And there you will remain; To walk with me throughout my life. Until we meet again Nanna Karmena - You are my inspiration – my rock - my hero - Alexandra

Remembering our mother and grandmother IRIS CARUANA today being the 25th anniversary of her demise. Fondly remembered, our hearts are full of sweet memories. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Your children, Maurice, Antonella, Elena, Maria and Hugh. Remember her in your prayers. May she rest in heavenly peace.

In loving memory of MARGARET VELLA 25.3.2021 on the third anniversary of her demise. Deeply mourned by her family, her grandchildren, her great-grandchildren, brothers and sisters, in-laws, relatives and friends. A loving nature, A heart of gold, The very best; This world could hold. Never selfish, always kind, These are the memories; You left behind; A silent thought; A quiet prayer; For a special person; In God’s care. A prayer is solicited. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

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