BORG. On March 5, CARMELINA, of Żejtun, widow of Magistrate Gaudenz P. Borg, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy Church. She leaves to mourn her irreparable loss her daughters Doriette Rizzo Naudi, Lucienne Selvagi and her husband Christopher, her grandchildren Karl, Lara, Andrew and Julian, and their spouses, her treasured great-grandchildren Timothy, Emma, Hannah, Zachary, Sebastian and Samuel, relatives and friends. The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital tomorrow, Saturday, March 8, at 9.30am for the old parish church of St Gregory, Żejtun, where Mass præsente cadavere will be said at 10am, followed by interment in the family grave at St Gregory Cemetery. No flowers by request but donations to Fondazzjoni Caritas Malta, Ħamrun, will be greatly appreciated. Lord, grant her eternal rest.
In Memoriam
CAMILLERI – WINNIFRED, née Bowman. In loving memory of our dear mother on the 20th anniversary of her death. Fondly remembered by her sons and daughter, Anthony and his wife Liliana, Marthese and her husband Lino Vella, Joseph and his wife Marceline, and Victor and his wife Anne, grandchildren, nephews and nieces. Forever in our thoughts and prayers. May the Lord grant her eternal peace. Kindly remember her in your prayers.
CREMONA – OSCAR. In loving memory of dear father on the 67th anniversary of his death. Always in our thoughts and prayers. Monica Conti and Maria Galea.
FARRUGIA. Remembering our dear brother JAMES on the 12th anniversary of his death. Joe, Mary Rose and family.
In loving memory of JOE CUTAJAR Remembering our beloved father on the first anniversary of his passing into eternal life. He is deeply missed and forever cherished by his wife, Hilda, his children and their spouses, grandchildren, great-grandson, family, and friends. Though his love and guidance are no longer with us, his memory remains in our hearts always. He is forever in our thoughts and prayers. A memorial Mass for the repose of his soul will be said on Friday, March 7, at 6.15pm at St Dominic’s parish church, Valletta.
In Memoriam Treasured and loving memories of our most precious and beloved father SALVINO J. SULLIVAN 20.6.1909 - 7.3.2014 today being the 11th anniversary of his meeting with the Lord. Deeply missed and forever loved by his seven children Lydia, David, Stanley, Gloria, Robert, Peter, Mark and their spouses, his grandchildren, great-grandchildren and Maribel. Lord, grant him eternal rest
In loving memory of our dear FRANCIS TEDESCO on the 18th anniversary of his death Always in our thoughts and prayers. His children Charles, Miriam, Joe and George. Lord, grant him eternal rest
To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail