
GRECH. On November 27, at Mater Dei Hospital, PAOLO, aged 91, widower of Denise, former purchasing department employee at the Malta dockyard, went to meet the Risen Lord comforted by the rites of Holy Church. Never forgotten by his children Tony and his wife Carol, Sergio and his wife Gillian, Dorianne and her husband Raymond, grandchildren Matthew, Scott, Daniel, Andrew, Jamie, Jeffrey, Luke, Mireille and Emma, their spouses, his great-grandchildren and all other relatives and friends. The funeral leaves Mater Dei Hospital on Tuesday, December 3 at 2.30pm for Lija parish church where mass praesente cadavere will be said at 3pm followed by interment at Lija cemetery.Lord, grant him eternal rest.
SCHRANZ. On November 27, WENDY, passed away peacefully at the age of 80, surrounded by her family. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband Anthony, her children Karl, Gregory and Josephine and her grandchildren. She is lovingly remembered by her brothers and sisters-in-law and their families, her brother Nicholas and his wife Carolyn. A mass to celebrate her life will be held on Monday, December 2 at 9.30am at Tal-Karmnu Church, Balluta. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Id-Dar tal-Providenza. In her memory, Wendy requested that guests do not wear black for the funeral.
In Memoriam
BORG – ANGELA. Lovingly remembered.
GASAN – LILIAN, née Mercieca. Today is the 29th anniversary of her death. Fondly remembered with much love and gratitude by her children Paula and her husband Tonio, Sylvia, Joe, Veronica and her husband Michael, her grandchildren, great-grandchildren and her sisters-in-law. Lord, grant her eternal rest. “We know that God, who raised the Lord Jesus to life, will also raise us up with Jesus and take us into His presence”. 2 Corinthians 4v14.
MAMO – VANNA. In memory of a dear mother and grandmother on the anniversary of her death. Rest in peace. Albert, Helen, Vanessa, and Mark.
SCHEMBRI – ANTON. In loving memory of our dearest ‘Pops’, today being the first anniversary of his passing to eternal life.
Along the road of suffering
You found a little lane
That took you up to Heaven
And ended all your pain.
You may be out of sight,
We may be worlds apart,
But you are always in our
Thoughts and prayers
And forever in our heart.
So deeply missed, Ian and Krista.
SCHEMBRI – ANTON. In loving memory of my dear brother, especially today the first anniversary from his passing. A prayer is solicited. Joe, Anna and all their family.
VASSALLO – ROSE. In loving memory of our beloved mother on the 27th anniversary of her demise. She was an exemplary mother, loving, generous and kind to everyone. Still so very sadly missed and forever in our hearts and prayers. Her children Stephen, Peter, Joe, Christine, Francis, and their families. Kindly remember her in your prayers.
WARRINGTON – MARY. In sweet remembrance of a dear and beloved mother on the 19th anniversary of her passing to eternal life. Deeply missed by her daughters Anne Grech and Rosalind Rausi, her grandchildren Nigel, Teresa and Vicky, and their families.
In loving memory of a devoted father Dr MARCEL BIANCHI being the 53rd anniversary of his demise. A Mass for the repose of his soul will be celebrated tomorrow, Sunday 1st December, 2024 at 11.30am at the Divine Mercy Sanctuary, Naxxar Forever in our thoughts and prayers His children Louis, Madeleine and Veronica, and their respective families. “Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday”.
To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail