DE BARRO. On October 3, IVES, aged 84, passed away peacefully. He leaves to morn his loss his wife Anna Maria, née de Giorgio, his daughter Ana, his son Yves and his wife Sharon, his granddaughters Sophia and Isabella along with former colleagues and friends around the world. The funeral Mass will take place on Monday, October 7, at 9am at St Julian’s parish church. Keep him in Your arms, dear Lord, as he lives forever in our hearts. Lord, grant him eternal rest.
MIZZI. On September 30, CHARLES, of Msida, residing in Mellieħa, aged 76, passed away peacefully at Mater Dei Hospital, comforted by the rites of Holy Church. He leaves to mourn his great loss, his beloved children Marco Anthony and his wife Jacqueline, David, Matthew and his wife Ania, his grandchildren Sean, April, Luke, Charlie, Valentina, Dean, Tara, Enzo, Harris, Hollie, Jenson and Kyle, his brothers and sisters, his in-laws and their respective families, nephews and nieces, other relatives and friends. The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital today, Saturday, October 5, at 7.30am, for St Joseph parish church, Msida, where funeral Mass præsente cadavere will be said at 8am, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery. Donations to id-Dar tal-Providenza, Siġġiewi, will be greatly appreciated. Lord, grant him eternal rest.
In Memoriam
BUONTEMPO. Professor Dr JOHN BUONTEMPO (former ambassador). In loving memory, on the 19th anniversary of his demise. Never forgotten by his wife Mary, children Marthese, Alex, Stephan, Silvana, in-laws, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Lord, grant him eternal rest.
de GRAY – ANTHONY. Treasured and unfading memories of a dear husband, father and grandfather, today being the 21st anniversary of his death. Always loved and never forgotten by his wife Edmea, his children David, Robert, Lorraine, Caroline and Brian, their spouses and grandchildren, other family and friends. Please remember him in your prayers
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we love you still
In our heart you hold a place
That no one could ever fill
It broke our heart to lose you
But you didn’t go alone
For part of us went with you,
The day God took you home
FALZON. Cherished memories of my beloved MICHAEL (former RSM 100, Malta Police), especially today being the 12th anniversary of his passing away.
Peacefully sleeping, resting at last,
The world’s weary troubles and
worries are past.
In silence you suffered, in patience you bore
‘til God called you home to suffer no more.
Rest in peace beloved Michael,
Twelve long years have passed away.
You’re gone but are still living
In my heart every single day.
Always in my thoughts and prayers. Alice x.
FENECH RUSSELL. In loving memory of REYNOLD (Rennie) on the eighth anniversary of his passing to eternal life. Miriam, Shirley and family.
GATT – CHARLES. In loving memory of a beloved husband and father on the ninth anniversary of his demise. Deeply missed by his wife Mary Ann and his children Andrew and Michelle, Suzanne and John. Lord, grant him eternal rest.
PORTELLI – PAUL. Dearly remembered with love and gratitude especially today the 25th anniversary of his passing to eternal life. His children Ralph, Connie, Joe, Pierre, Mark, spouses, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. May he rest forever in peace.
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Unfailing prayer to St Anthony
O, holy St Anthony, gentlest of saints, your love for God and charity for His creatures made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble and anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain for me (request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so, you are the saint of miracles. O gentle and loving St Anthony, whose heart was ever so full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. A.B.
To book an obituary or an ‘In Memoriam’ email or after office hours.